Considering there's nothing to really distinguish Rebirth as a sequel to Remake from a casual consumer standpoint, this is probably a good feature to include as reassurance.

If there's even one player out there who picks up Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth without realizing it had a predecessor, then in Square Enix's eyes it's job done with this feature. Nonetheless, we can't knock Square Enix for including this feature. Add to the fact that this isn't so much part two of a trilogy as the second part of a single story, and it'd be even weirder to pick it up with no introduction. 2020's Remake launched to a gigantic install base of over 100 million PS4 consoles worldwide, while Rebirth is only coming to PS5. You might scratch your head and go "wait a second, who would play Rebirth if they hadn't played Final Fantasy 7 Remake?" And honestly, it's a fair question.