Versatile: Test random access memory (RAM) at various speeds.User-friendly: Easy to use user interface.Reliable: Highly reliable memory test results.Real-time: Real-time monitoring of system memory performance.Flexible: Supports both legacy and modern systems.Extensive: Extensive set of test patterns.Detailed: Produce detailed reports on errors found.Customizable: Customizable test settings.Comprehensive: Comprehensive memory diagnostic testing.Comprehensive: Comprehensive list of hardware supported.Automated: Automated restarting and logging of errors.Advanced: Advanced configuration options.Boot up the image and from the USB drive and you'll have access to the program. From there, you'll find an IMG file extracted which can then be burned to a USB drive with a program like etcher. You just have to download the memtest86-usb.zip archive and extract it. The BIOS-based memory tests are a quick, cursory check and often miss many of the failures that are detected by Memtest86.

It runs a RAM test to see whether there are issues. Memtest86 is a thorough, standalone memory test for x86 architecture computers. A bootable image which will run tests on your install memory